Mar 30, 2017
When a crisis of some sort happens to someone you care about, how to you help them through it? There is no guide you can read, so most people default to addressing the situation from the level of the problem itself. This approach can be uncomfortable at best.
This approach can be uncomfortable at best. In this episode...
Mar 23, 2017
Your life is a reflection of what you think about most. As I say in my audio books, if you want to change anything about your life, you must first change your thinking.
One of the things you can do to expedite life change is get rid of your thought viruses you are operating under in your life. In this episode of Beyond...
Mar 1, 2017
The most important conversation you have each day is in your head--your inner conversation. What you might not be aware of is how vital this conversation is to your overall happiness, success, and prosperity. In this episode of Beyond the 3D, Michael reveal the seven words that you should delete from your inner...